Saturday, September 14, 2013

First things First: Defining Fashion


"Fashionable adj. - fashion, noun - fashion, verb. Today this word seems to mean anything that's too hideous and freaky to even wear on the catwalk - too freaky"
-Urban Dictionary

First things first, Fashion must be defined and explored. It is not a trend that is dead or one that is for only one group of people. Fashion is evident of a person's generation, social class, and typically gender. The beautiful aspect of fashion is that it can also transcend these boundaries. No two things in fashion are mutually exclusive, because just as one thing is in this moment another in another lifetime would be outdated. Fashion trends seek to push boundaries and redefine what beauty is. It is always important to know that true beauty is not only outwards-but yes that timeless cliche of inwards. 

My goal for this project is to explore how the fashion trends in the greater Los Angeles area affect those seen on the small private Christian community (that is "set apart"), yet living among an enormous metropolis. The random and fun fashion trends inspired by weather, culture, holidays or even quirkiness will be expressed.  Some think of fashion as shallow and hollow, but it can be seen as the outward expression of the inner person.